Défi is a fantasy short film about the conflict between a unicorn and a hunter. It invokes themes of environmental awareness and the hubris of domineering civilization and poises a dramatic tension between the two characters when they meet in the woods, the unicorn's domain.
My friends at Funky Carrot Productions were finishing post production for the project, and I was asked to create a title treatment for the film with the title "Défi" from the French noun for "challenge." I set out to create a custom type treatment that reflected the tone and content of the story.

I designed this piece using a contrast of upright serifed elements with a flowing script. The upright portions forming the vertical pieces of d, f, & i, are taken from a millennium and more of roman typography, originally carved in stone and set upon pillars to dominate the landscape. Hard angles and straight lines reflect the craftsmanship and objectivity of their human element. The flowing script derives from traditions of typography designed to be written with an economy of motion and a conservative use of ink, with a modulated stroke width and lacrymal terminals like flower buds on the end of twirling stems. It imitates the improvisational spirit of nature and wraps around the columns like vines.
The combination of the two was a lot of fun to design and work out, and this project was definitely one where seeing my work fit cohesively into the final product alongside other artists' contributions was a huge reward.
The title in its place at the start of the film

The excellent poster design and illustration by Ethan Funk-Breay, featuring my title calligraphy