GLOVE was a local short film showcase located in Austin, TX that ran briefly in 2024. I helped with the project mainly by designing the logo and other visual collateral. Although the project didn't go on for very long, I'm very pleased with the look of the collateral I've made for it.
Austin has held a reputation as a center for independent film in addition to its live music scene for decades. As such, it attracts a variety of independent filmmakers and enthusiasts. And as a hot spot for culture and economic growth, there's a demand for the newest and boldest art. We created GLOVE, Genuine Lovers of Visual Entertainment, as a way to bring together creatives and enthusiasts in the scene to share short films and music videos, and we hosted it on the back patio of Progress Coffee & Beer, a local venue a few blocks east of UT Austin's main campus.

Regular size, full color logo on a brand color background

Variations of the logo, designed for small display sizes.
Preroll title card — To play at the start of the show

Logo in action at the show

Laurels in the brand's gold color

Process shots of the laurel design
Let me just say this about laurels— they are an interesting design challenge! I remember being very frustrated years ago because I couldn't figure out how to create a set. No matter what I did, they were unbalanced, ugly, and they either took the wrong shape with the right size and number of leaves, or they took the right shape overall with awkward and misshapen leaves. I'm really pleased with the set I've made here, because I finally figured out the relationship between organic and geometric necessary to balance the positive and negative space in a nice looking overall form. Pictured above are my sketches from reference drawings, leading to the wireframe, and finally a set designed to harmonize specially with the visual weight of the GLOVE logo.